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Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche FakultätWiSo T3 Schulung (de)

Programme Structure Master Politicial Science

This page provides details on the programme structure of the Master Politicial Science and the courses offered. The Master Political Science comprises 120 credit points over two years (four semesters, full time). It consists of the sections listed below and the Master's thesis (24 credit points).

The core and advandced section (36 credit points) is composed of “core modules”and “core module seminars”. Core modules are introductory lectures (or seminars) in the main subfields of political science. Core module seminars are advanced seminars allowing students to deepen their knowledge in selected subfields. Students choose:

  • Core and advandced section 1: three (out of six) core modules à 6 credit points
  • Core and advandced section 2: two (out of six) core module seminars à 9 credit points

The specialisation section (36 credit points) consists of research projects, usually held as seminars. Specialisation modules delve deeper into specific topics of political science. Students learn to apply approaches and methods on a research problem of their own choice. This section also includes the obligatory colloquium (9 credit points), where students present a draft of their master thesis. Students choose:

  • Specialisation section: three (out of six) modules à 9 credit points

The supplementary section (24 CP) allows choosing from subjects and specialisations offered at the WiSoFaculty and (based on a bilateral agreement with the Institute of Political Science) the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

To get more information about the modules of each section, click on the name of the section below. Note that the selection of modules in one section does not affect other sections, i.e. students may choose modules freely in each section.