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Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche FakultätWiSo T3 Schulung (de)

Sarah Carol

Sarah Carol - Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (ISS)

Research focuses

Integration, Religion, Islam, Values, Intermarriage, Education

Curriculum vitae

  • Since 2015 Professor of Demography and Social Inequality, University of Cologne
  • Since 2014 Guest researcher at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center
  • 2014 – 2015 Research Fellow at the MZES, Mannheim
  • 2009 – 2014 Research Fellow at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center
  • 2013 Dr. phil. Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin
  • 2012 Visiting scholar at the University of Bristol, Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship
  • 2007 – 2009 Consultant at the INNOFACT AG, Duesseldorf
  • 2000 – 2006 University of Duisburg-Essen Studies in Social Sciences, Business Administration and Psychology

Selected publications

  • 2016 Carol, Sarah. Social Integration and Intermarriage in Europe: Islam, Partner Choices and Parental Influence. Abingdon, New York: Routledge
  • 2016 Carol, Sarah. Like will to like? Partner choice among Muslim migrants and natives in Western Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42(2): 261-276.
  • 2015 Carol, Sarah, Marc Helbling and Ines Michalowski. A struggle over religious rights? How Muslim minorities and natives view the accommodation of religion in six European countries. Social Forces 94(2): 647-671.
  • 2015 Carol, Sarah and Céline Teney. Attitudes towards intergroup dating among Brussels adolescents: The interaction of gender and ethnicity and its determinants. European Societies 17(2): 132-157.
  • 2014 Carol, Sarah, Evelyn Ersanilli and Mareike Wagner. Spousal Choice among the Children of Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants in Six European Countries: Transnational Spouse or Co-ethnic Migrant? International Migration Review 48(2): 387-414.
  • 2014 Carol, Sarah. The Intergenerational Transmission of Intermarriage Attitudes and Friendships: The Role of Turkish Migrant Parents. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(10): 1550-1571.
  • 2013 Carol, Sarah. Intermarriage attitudes among minority and majority groups in Western Europe: the role of attachment to the religious in-group. International Migration 51(3): 67-83.
  • 2013 Carol, Sarah and Ruud Koopmans. Dynamics of contestation over Islamic religious rights in Western Europe. Ethnicities 13(2): 165–190.
  • 2014 Carol, Sarah, Rahim Hajji and Ruud Koopmans. “Sprachliche Integration, interethnische Kontakte und Religiosität ”. Pp. 107-123 in Jenseits von Rif und Ruhr – 50 Jahre deutsch-marokkanische Migrations- und Integrationsbeziehungen. Edited by Khatima Bouras-Ostmann, Rahim Hajji, Soraya Moket und Andreas Pott. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • 2010 Carol, Sarah, Zuhal Kavacik and Ruud Koopmans. “Germany.” Pp. 42-65 in Integrated Report on Media Content, edited by Marco Giugni. Brussels: European Commission.
  • 2013 Carol, Sarah. Heiraten als Maß sozialer Integration: Muslimisch-nichtmuslimische Ehen akzeptiert, aber selten. WZB Mitteilungen 142: 26-28, MiGAZIN 6. August 2014, Schattenblick Gesellschaft 272.
  • 2013 Carol, Sarah, Marc Helbling and Ines Michalowski. Gretchenfrage der Integration: Religiöse Praxis prägt das Zusammenleben stärker als angenommen. WZB Mitteilungen 142: 18-20, Schattenblick Soziales 159.